Final Report

Design Phase: I learned in Design phase how to use the program inventor correctly and efficiently. With my new skills and knowledge I was able to finish my work with a little motivations and help of my awesome friend Ryan. I didn’t produce a great design from the beginning but with the help I got in the class in no time I was able to do a good job. I would make more detailed dimensions and not always try to finish the design as fastest I could.

Manufacturing Phase: In the beginning I had few obstacles because I never did anything like this before but in one or two days it got much easier. I learned few new things but overall I didn’t learn that much we took it apart and put it all together. The only skill is imported to have is not to be lazy in my opinion. My mechanically worked smoothly. I would draw it first before I do anything so I can do I better job than before.

Writing Phase:  I learned a lot of things. Like wiring things or how to draw in the inventor. Yes I complete all of my wirings.

Time management: In the beginning I used my time wisely everyday and later on I didn’t but then I did the work home. I could give myself more motivation to work more and not to be lazy a lot.

Programing: I don’t really have anything to say for this because our team didn’t make it this far yet.

In my opinion I could make a better job that’s for sure. If tried more to understand and not to give up too fast then I could do a better work. I would be more active then I was.

Overall project: I like about this project that we can use the inventor but I don’t like the wiring a lot because its boring. I learned how to wire things and how to use the inventor.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2013

