Final Report

Design Phase – I learned in the design phase how to properly use the program inventor and how to use it efficiently to complete my work I was able to finish my design and it was a good design. If I were to change anything in my design it would be to get more accurate dimensions and possibly make things a little more detailed.

Manufacturing Phase – There were no obstacles that I encountered during this phase everything seemed to be smooth sailing. I learned absolutely nothing just took it apart and put it back together pretty simple. The project went back together pretty easily just very time consuming. The Robot worked properly. Next time I would maybe take a picture so it is easier to put it back together.

Wiring Phase – I didn’t do anything to do with Wiring but as far as I know it worked properly and everything was done properly.

Time Management – I believe I managed my time well maybe not so much in class but for what I don’t do in class I make up for it on my own time at home and complete everything that is needed to be done. I don’t think I would change anything to manage my time I like the way I do things and they seem to be working well.

Programming – Our group didn’t make it this far in the project so I have nothing to say about this programming.

In my opinion I did contribute to the project to the best of my ability unless you wanted me to do the whole thing by myself which I could have. 

Overall Project – I liked working on the computer designing the parts and assembling them on inventor because I like working with computers. I didn’t like having to take it apart just to put it back together I wish I could have created my own project it would have been more enjoyable.


6/20/2013 02:39:15 am

Good reports, Ryan and nikola.


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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2013

